明暗42世 清庵玄心
ご参加いただいた皆様、誠にありがとうございました。如何でしたでしょうか? すでに大勢の皆様にご報告をいただきましたが、それぞれに充実した尺八による祈りが出来たようです。その真剣なロ吹きによる祈りによってコロナ禍の終息が早まりますよう願っています。
A heartfelt thank you from the 42nd kansu of Myoanji Temple Seien Genshin
When we published an article in the September issue of Hogaku Journal calling for ambassadors for World Shakuhachi Day on 10.8 (8th October), more than 114 people signed up despite our short notice, crossing not only borders, ryūha, experience (pro, or amateur). I discussed the idea with Kiku Day and together we finalized the plan and I am sure her reach to the shakuhachi world had something to do with it too, however I was very impressed and moved by seeing how many shakuhachi aficionados are out there across the world. We published the names of the 114 ambassadors, who were going to help spreading the word about WSD in the October issue Hogaku Journal. The list of names (that grew) was also published on Social Media. This year on 10.8 we played 108 robuki with the intention of blowing away Covid-19, which causes such misfortune in the world. If I think each ambassador invited 2-3 players to join us, perhaps ro from more than 300 players’ robuki resounded on that day.
I would like to say a deeply felt thank you to you all!
How was it to play ro on 10.8?
I believe we contributed solidly to the praying for as early as possible solution and ending of Covid-19.
Players who contacted us to become ambassadors after the deadline were of course welcome. Your names were included on lists on Social Media and on our website. If you still want your name on the list please contact for Japanese players: Seien Genshin (genshin1948@gmail.com) and for international players: Kiku Day (kikuday@gmail.com). If you want to become an ambassador for next year’s World Shakuhachi Day please contact us if you want to change your title, spelling of names etc. Please look for more information on the website: www.worldshakuhachiday.com
Once again, a big thank you to everyone who participated in World Shakuhachi Day 2020. I feel grateful.