World Shakuhachi Mentoring Day (WSMD) : Saturday 11th May, 2024

Dear shakuhachi enthusiasts,

The World Shakuhachi Day is based on the spirit of sharing our love for this wonderful instrument. Inspired by this same ‘sharing spirit’, the first ever and very successful World Shakuhachi Mentoring Day took place in October last year and provided an opportunity for more advanced players to share their knowledge with others through a series of one-day online lessons and the chance for participants to take part in lessons and learn new pieces and special techniques in a variety of styles offered free of charge.

World Shakuhachi Mentoring Days (WSMD) are designed to assist advanced students who are on their way to becoming teachers in the near future. To help them in this, and in particular to gain experience in remote teaching, which cannot be avoided in a post-pandemic world, this event will provide the apprentice teachers the chance to design a lesson on a piece in collaboration with their main teacher and deliver it online to participants who register in advance. The previous four apprentice teachers will also feature again in this event in May, but will teach different pieces and will be joined by two new apprentice teachers, this time from the USA. 

For this to happen, we need your help !

Your registration as attendees is what will make this event possible. Each teaching session will be for one hour including a question/comment time slot when you can ask questions and also give feedback to the apprentice teachers on how you perceived the lessons – of course with kindness and constructiveness. 

A panel of established teachers and feedback tutors will also provide feedback in a mentoring process similar to that involved between MA and PhD students in universities.

In the same spirit as the World Shakuhachi Day, all the apprentice teachers, the main teachers, panelists, and the organisers offer their services free of charge.

All you need to do is to register and you will then receive an email with the Zoom connection information and access to the teaching materials and get a free day of classes by aspiring practitioners and performers. 

Registering address: 

Deadline for registration: 10th May, 2024

The WSMD team 

Michael Coxall, Kiku Day, Christophe Gaston, Markus Guhe, Jim Franklin, Jean-François Lagrost, Horacio Curti, Gunnar Linder, James Schlefer, Ralph Samuelson

For more information see here

Schedule:  (All times are CET) 

14:00 – 14.05    Opening

14.05 – 15.05    Tran Cao                   ‘Honte no Shirabe’         Zensabo

15.10 – 16.10    Nikita Chasovnikov   ‘Rokudan on Shirabe’    Tozan

16.15 – 17.15    Ramon Humet           ‘Hon Shirabe’                 KSK

17.20 – 18.20    Lokesha Haber          ‘Ashi no Shirabe’            Kinko

18.25 – 19.25    Marco Burmester       ‘Azuma no Kyoku’         Jin Nyodo

19.30 – 20.30    Adam Robinson         ‘Kyo Reibo’                    Kinko

20.35 –  22.00    Panel discussion        (Panelists only)

22.00   ~            General feedback      (Panelists only)   Spokesperson : James Schlefer