10月8日 は、“ 世界尺八デイ ”
コ ロ ナ 禍 の 完 全 終 息 を 願 っ て!
8th October is ‘World Shakuhachi Day’
Wishing for a complete end to the Covid-19 crisis!
Let’s do 108 ROBUKI!
~ この日、祈りと願いの尺八が世界中で鳴り響く ~
~ On this day, the prayers and wishes of shakuhachi players will reverberate across the world~
8th October is ‘Shakuhachi Day’. The day has been designated as ‘World Shakuhachi Day’ in order to further explore the potential of Shakuhachi to gather people as its popularity has become widespread across the world. On this day, Shakuhachi enthusiasts from all over the world, individually and in groups, commemorate the day by playing 108 ROBUKI. In Japanese 8th October is written 10.8, 10 is the 1 shaku (10 sun) + the 8 shaku which together forms the name shakuhachi. It is thus a play on words.
Last year, as a memorial to those who lost their lives to the novel corona virus, a wish for healing to all those infected and affected by the disease, and a thank you to the medical staff, the Committee proposed ‘Let’s blow away the corona crisis! blowing 108 ROBUKI’. We were supported by 114 people from all over the world who became ambassadors and spread the world about WSD2020.
今年は、未だ収まらない「コロナ禍の完全終息を願って!」というテーマで、昨年以上の気迫で、再びこの日、ロ吹きを一斉に行います。WSD2021は、以下の全37カ国197名※(2021年9月8 日現在)で世界に呼びかけます。是非あなたも、10月8日(金)当日、尺八仲間お誘い合わせの上、ご参加ください。
In 2021 we are back with the theme ‘Let’s hope for a complete end to the still unresolved Corona pandemic!’ The WSD2021 has as of 8th September 2021: 197 ambassadors from 37 countries. We hope you will join us on Friday 8th October with your fellow shakuhachi players across the planet.