参加者の国籍または滞在の国 The nationalities or countries of resident of the participants

October 8th, 10:00 to ca 22:20 JST
The Zoom link for the event is:
Meeting ID: 858 5487 4675
Passcode: 345123
The programme for WSD 2023 here
English first

8th of October is Shakuhachi Day. On this day, shakuhachi enthusiasts from all over the world, regardless of school, style of playing, nationality, age, experience, professional or amateur, play 108 robuki together and many will play a piece for us. We have a unified theme – and this year it is again “Blow for tranquility and world peace!” Last year, we had the first attempt of hosting a 12-hour “Online Shakuhachi World Gathering”, where 80 people from 20 countries participated and played for each other. This year, we will do the same – a 12-hour online shakuhachi gathering. The event begins at 10:00 Japan time (JST) and will last for 12 hours. There will be shakuhachi performances, dedications, lectures.
Those wishing to take part are requested to do so between 11:00 and 21:30 on the day of the event. Each person has a slot of 10 minutes. Please let us know what time you would like to play and the title of the piece you wish to perform. Everyone will be given a Zoom Passcode and programme at a later date. You don’t have to play to join the event. The programme is (in JST): 10:00: Opening, 10:08: play 108 robuki simultaneously around the world, 10:40: Presentation “Shakuhachi Situation in the World”, 22:00: Finale, 22:08: play 108 robuki again.
WSD has been created in order to further strengthen our community across the globe!
Come join us! We are looking forward to your participation.
World Shakuhachi Day: http://www.worldshakuhachiday.com
Japan – Seian Genshin: genshin1948@gmail.com
Outside Japan – Kiku Day: kikuday@gmail.com

お一人10分以内とします。希望時間、曲名等をお知らせください。申込者には後日Zoom Passcodeとプログラムをお送りします。10:00オープニング、10:08世界一斉108回ロ吹きにチャレンジ、10:40プレゼン「世界の尺八事情」、22:00フィナーレ、22:08ロ吹き再チャレンジ。この機会に、世界の尺八仲間との絆を深めませんか?
WSD2023実行委員会 http://www.worldshakuhachiday.com
国内窓口: 清庵 玄心 genshin1948@gmail.com
海外窓口: キク デイ kikuday@gmail.com